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  2. Layout (Legacy)

Layouts New / Edit Page

Overview of the Layouts New / Edit page

Layouts Edit Page

Field and Button Descriptions


Add useful or recognizable naming for the layout to denote its purpose.

For example, if it's a layout specifically made for a holiday, then name it as such, that way you can switch between them in the Device Manage page more intuitively.



Assign the layout to the company that should own the layout. Your own company, or one of your sub-companies can be assigned the layout.


Custom CSS

This is an advanced feature that is uncommonly used. If opting to use it, you will have the ability to override existing CSS settings and instead use your preferred settings. An example can be downloaded in the "kiosk.css" link.



Once all settings are input, click Save to apply the settings. If editing an existing layout then this will bring you back to the Layouts page. If creating a new layout, then this will take you to the Layouts Configuration Page.